Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Horizontally and Vertically Rejoice!: 3rd Sunday in Advent: Gaudete

Listen to the homily here.


Gaudete: rejoice!
·     This weekend, I would like to share how this time of rejoice can show in two positions: horizontal with us and vertical with God.
·     For instance, in Zephaniah: 
o   The LORD has removed the judgment against youhe has turned away your enemies;the King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst,you have no further misfortune to fear.”
o   Were they Israelite’s praising and rejoicing for God…Yes!
o   At the same time, were they praising privately in their own room, silently?
§  No! They were praising TOGETHER to God
·     How about in Isaiah in the Responsorial Pslam? 
o   God indeed is my savior;I am confident and unafraid.My strength and my courage is the LORD,and he has been my savior.  With joy you will draw waterat the fountain of salvation.”
o   That’s a praise going up to God!
o   And horizontal as we are offering this at Mass, with each other to God!
·     Then we have St. Paul who rejoiced God while he was in jail
o   “Brothers and sisters:Rejoice in the Lord always.  I shall say it again: rejoice!
o   Again, this rejoice goes to God
o   And to Paul’s brothers and sisters…he never wrote this to one person to privately praise God, but for everyone that heard it to do so with each other!
St. John the Baptist teaches us how to rejoice what God as given us that we may give it away
·     Whoever has two cloaksshould share with the person who has none.  And whoever has food should do likewise.”
o   Rejoice!
·     Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.”
o   Rejoice!
·     Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.”
o   Rejoice!
As we pause this weekend to rejoice to God as we know what is coming in 10/9 days in Christmas, let us continue to rejoice by offering our time, talent and treasure as God can show you how He can use it on earth, and you can rejoice back for His love!

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