Monday, December 31, 2012

Daily Mass Homily--Monday, December 31st, 2012

           Today we see the brilliance of our patron, St. John the Evangelist, at work.  We hear from both his letter and Gospel.
            Our Gospel passage is from the Prologue.  This acts as an introduction and prelude to his whole work.  John sets forth a number of vivid images—light and darkness, life and death, belief and disbelief.
            John also shows Jesus as the fulfillment of word theology.  The Word was first associated with God’s creation.  It then was connected with the God’s Law.  Later the Israelites saw the Word through the framework of wisdom literature, and eventually the sacred authors personified Wisdom itself.
            And the word became flesh, and dwelt among us.  Jesus Christ, who was present in the beginning during creation, fulfills the Law and Wisdom of the Old Testament.  Now He comes in the flesh as a baby.
            As we continue to celebrate Christmas, we look to our patron to help us discern how important the Word made flesh is to our lives.  And we ask that this Word will help us grow in holiness.  

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