Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Daily Mass Homily: Tuesday, September 25th 2012

           We have all sorts of hints this morning of Jesus’ fulfilling the Old Testament.  First, we hear the reverence of God’s Law in the Israelite community.  Our responsorial Psalm—Psalm 119—is one of the greatest examples in the Bible that venerates God’s Law.  Each stanza actually contains a synonym of the word law.  Today we heard precept, command, deeds, truth and more.
            We may typically think the Old Testament was all about knowing the Law and carrying out the regulations and precept of living and worship.  This is largely true, but the Old Testament is filled with instructions that, “To do what is right and just
is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.”
            This is what Jesus says as He shows, in part, how He fulfills the Law in our short Gospel today: “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.”  We are called to listen to God and then act on His word and that is what makes us a good Christian.
            At Mass this morning we pray that we may in fact hear God’s Word and then act according to this Word in our day today.

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