Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Season of Easter during the 50 days!: 3rd Sunday in Easter Season

Listen to the homily here.


3rd Sunday in Easter
This weekend, the third Sunday in Easter, allows us to continue to follow the path of Easter, a path that will conclude this homily as I would first like to speak about our readings
Our readings throughout Easter Season focus on the crucial Words of God in the Scriptures
·      First, instead of hearing the Old Testament, we will be following the Acts of the Apostles: the beginning of our Church
o   The beginning of Christianity, or Catholics, which really means “universal” belief of Jesus Christ
§  And we hear about evangelization and proclamation of the Good News
·      Letters from St. Peter, the leader of the Apostles which we would eventually use the name “Pope”
o   And we hear about evangelization and proclamation of the Good News
·      The Gospel’s with the Resurrection of Jesus as he himself preaches, as the best teacher
o   Cleopas and a friend walking away from Jerusalem
o   Jesus added to his presence in this walk
o   Did you notice that they were downcast?  
o   Jesus must have chuckled when they asked if he was the only one who didn’t know what had happened
o   “Oh, how foolish you are!
How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke!
Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things
and enter into his glory?”
o   Jesus then said “He offered bread, and disappeared, because he was still there, in the bread!
Now, many of us, both we priests, and our families, we do believe in the Eucharist, but we may be sad, not being able to go to Mass, to receive Communion
And this weekend we heard some encouragement in Psalm 16
·      Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge;
I say to the LORD, “My Lord are you.”
O LORD, my allotted portion and my cup,
you it is who hold fast my lot.
I bless the LORD who counsels me;
even in the night my heart exhorts me.
I set the LORD ever before me;
with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed
o   Always listen this!  Jesus is always with you!
Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices,
my body, too, abides in confidence;”
o   Be confident in God!
“You will show me the path to life,
abounding joy in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever.”
o   My favorite part is that simple phrase: “you will show me the path to life
Keep running this marathon to show the path of life, not only on earth, but for the finish line to get to heaven

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