Monday, June 29, 2015

St. Peter and St. Paul--Daily Mass Homily: Monday, June 29th, 2015 (Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul)

(Listen to this homily here).

            We celebrate a unique solemnity today in that we rejoice in both Peter and Paul.  Think about it…when we celebrate the life of a saint we celebrate one person.  The only exceptions to this are when we celebrate a saint and their companions (for example, on June 3rd we remember St. Charles Lwanga and Companions).  Today we have two of the greatest saints sharing the same feast day even though they had different lives and days of death.
            St. Peter and St. Paul were very different.  Consider how they even got to know Jesus.  Peter was called right away and spent three years—day in and day out—with the Lord.  Paul was knocked to the ground and met Christ through a mystical experience.  Or do you remember to whom they ministered?  Peter sought the Jews—Paul the Gentiles.  The Scriptures even record a fight between the two men when Paul called Peter out on acting hypocritically.
            What did Peter and Paul have in common?  They both got Jesus’ fundamental question—“Who do you say that I am?”—right. 
Sinners are boring.  Saints are unique and exciting.  God has called Peters—cradle Catholics who walk with Jesus every day.  God has called Pauls—those with dramatic faith conversions with 180 degree changes.  God has called you—with your unique gifts, talents and personalities—for mission.
May we proclaim the Good News of Jesus today like Peter and Paul!
St. Peter and St. Paul, pray for us!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. David,

    I appreciate your thoughts, but did not see how they fit the previous post!

    God Bless!
