Monday, June 22, 2015

Come to Daily Mass!: Parish Bulletin: 6-21-15

            In the spring of 2003, one of my friends challenged me to a Lenten resolution—attending 8:00am daily Mass.  I didn’t have a car at the time so he agreed to pick me up.  Most mornings we made it even though I was in college and 7:45 was way too early! Towards the end of Lent the priest (who noticed a couple of college vagabonds at his parish) made an announcement: “I know some of you have been coming to daily Mass throughout Lent.  Don’t stop when Lent is over!”  Praise God, this advice stuck and daily Mass became a regular part of my week.  This changed my life.
            Jesus says in John 6:54, “…he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”  The great news about being Catholic is that we receive Jesus’ Body and Blood in the Eucharist.  We may do so not only on a weekly but also on a daily basis!
            Two weeks ago I put forth a challenge: let’s increase our daily Mass crowd.  Are you retired?  Off from school for the summer?  On vacation?  Employed with flexible hours?  Wanting to grow closer to Christ?  Bored in the morning?  Check out daily Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Monday-Thursday at 8:30am.  There is no better way to start the day!
            But don’t take my word on this.  Currently we have 20-25 daily Mass-goers and they would be happy to share how this choice has impacted their life.  In fact, I will be encouraging them to invite you to join us for Mass during the week!
As always, know you are welcome at St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Columban parishes.  In a special way know this includes 8:30am Monday-Thursday at St. Thomas Aquinas for Mass!
            God Bless!

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