Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Clergy Conference with new, and renewed in my vocation to serve you: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen to the homily here.

Clergy Conference
·      Patristics: Patriarchs for the first seven centuries
·      As we learned about what the Eucharist, Christ, culture, Scriptures, were with that optics, that age, within different places without email, phones, or social media
·      And the same bishops and priests would preach about the same readings that we listened today
Our Clergy Conference who taught us again, gave us a vital moment in his life as a rector of a seminary
·      He was led and taught his seminarians with practicing their homilies using the same readings
·      And what was he surprised about?  Every homily was different!
·      And today, I’ll check in with my brothers what they preached about…and similarly, each is different
If a Bishop, Priest or deacon opens their hearts to the Holy Spirit, they can then proclaim—not their own agenda—but God’s Word…and I hope that I never use my opinion or agenda, but God’s Word
So let’s discern about what pricked my conscience to preach, and hopefully help you
·      First, as a priest to preach to you, I must do so to serve you
o   My job is not to better than you
o   I loved what Jesus told his apostles, “whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant;whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.”
o   So as I try to follow this teaching, do you in your life?  Your position?  Your leadership?  Your job? Your vocation?
·      Second, there is one golden thread of how Jesus Christ served us!
o   Stop for a moment there…Jesus came to us and served us
§  Washing of the feet
§  Feeding thousands
§  Forgiving, saving, showing miraculous gifts…and all were free
§  And so we should do the same
o   For the Son of Man did not come to be servedbut to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
§  He even gave his life for us
o   If he gives his life as an offering for sin,he shall see his descendants in a long life,
and the will of the LORD shall be accomplished through him
·      Third, take some time to learn
o   History, morality, Jesus Christ, Saints, sacraments
I hope that this homily could help you to pray, to serve, to learn and to follow with our pilgrimage to heaven to follow our Savior 

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