Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The book of Job: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen to the homily here.


“Is not man's life on earth a drudgery?
Are not his days those of hirelings?
So I have been assigned months of misery,
and troubled nights have been allotted to me.”

Job is a great book if you are in a dire time
·      The whole book is in this succinct way
o   Job had prosperous
§  Wealth, children, possessions and wealth
o   God was speaking with “satan” in a story
o   Job was tested by “satan”
o   He lost everything
o   His children died, his possessions were gone, he lost everything
o   Conversation with his “friends”
§  They thought he sinned
§  Job said that he was following God, though he also tested with his words back
o   God restored Job’s family, possessions and health through his providence and told his friends that they were wrong
Today, here is one way to discern when we are in tough times
·      First: the person that loses their health (hearing, vision, communication, injuries and even dying”
o   I believe that when it is you, pray for others
o   This not only supports our life, but I believe these are some of our most powerful pray-ers
·      Second: we must truly support the lonely, sick and dying
o   The only thing his friends did is one thing important for loved ones or people we visit
o   Simply be present…listen…sometimes being there is more important than talking
o   Then his friends got into a dialogue of why he was suffering—sin, wrongdoing, what they think was perfect
o   Be with our brothers and sisters who are in a tough spot…because eac of us will be there eventually
“Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted.”
·      Use this verse in Psalms 147

·      Both when you are hurt and when you can be a true friend to others

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