Monday, April 21, 2014

Did Jesus rise from the dead?: Monday of the Octave of Easter (CSS Sisters)

            I would ask you to think about the following question during this octave of Easter.  This question has a simple yes or no answer and it is objective.  It is true whether or not we believe it.  The question is simply: did Jesus really rise from the dead?
            Of course the answer is yes!  And because it is true, we Christians are different and this difference is a good thing.  We have been separated from the world through our Baptism, and your call to religious life brought you into a unique relationship with God.
            We should strive to be different in our life of holiness.  Every thought and action of ours should be illuminated by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
            Since Jesus rose from the dead we can trust mother Church 100%.  Each of us have questions with respect to Church teaching.  Our personal thoughts may at times disagree from what the Church upholds.  But if Jesus really rose from the dead, it is nothing for him to guide his Church from heaven.  In fact, he promised to be with us for all time.  Thus, even where we would disagree, we can submit to our Church trusting that it is Christ who is our leader.
            We should also live joyful lives.  Whether we face sickness, trials, death of a loved one or earthly anxiety, joy can persevere through it all because Christ has made all things new. 
            Finally, we should always seek to bring the Good News of Jesus to others.  The resurrection should consistently be in the back of our mind and we should be active in sharing our experience with others.  Indeed, if Jesus rose from the dead, why wouldn’t we share this with others?!
            Here is a fact for you.  As we remember an event from 2000 years ago, think 2000 years from now.  While the Church and your Benedictine order will be around, you and I will not be.  More than this, we may not even be remembered!  You might be thinking to yourself, “Why would you bring this depressing fact up on Easter Monday?”  I do, because this should be anything but terrifying.  Jesus rose from the dead!  If we really believe this and live our lives in union with Christ’s Church, with joy and bring others to this life, we have nothing to fear.
            Jesus Christ is risen!  Indeed, he is truly risen! 

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