Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Going to Ghana!

            I am very excited for an upcoming opportunity at St. John’s.  My youth minister (Kevin Pilon) and I will be leading a group of 26 people to visit my friends in Ghana, Africa.  We will be flying out on December 27th and spending ten days helping build a rectory (that was destroyed by flooding), visiting orphanages, distributing school supplies, clothes and toys, meeting the people, visiting parishes and experiencing Ghanaian culture.
            This trip is not cheap!  Our budget is close to $60,000 and we are in the middle of many fundraising opportunities at St. John’s, St. Joseph’s (St. John’s missionary parish) and Holy Family (McGregor).  Right now we have collected close to $25,000 and are well on our way to meet our goal.
            I write this to thank any of you reading this who have contributed so generously already.  I also ask for you to offer prayers, and if possible a contribution, to make this trip possible.  Any money received will go directly to our trip in which we strive to support our brothers and sisters across the pond.
            Tax deductible checks can be made out to St. John’s parish (with a memo Ghana trip) and can be mailed to St. John’s Parish/4230 St. John’s Ave/Duluth, MN 55803.
            Thanks so much!

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