Monday, May 20, 2013

Thoughts on legalization of same-sex unions in MN: 5-19-13 Bulletin Article

            This week, the House of Representatives and Senate of the state of Minnesota passed a bill to legalize same-sex unions.  Our governor passed it into law.  Typical of our polarized society, I watched some who celebrated and others (myself included) who grieved this result.
            This vote is another result of moral relativism at work in our society.  This philosophy states, “If it’s true for you, it’s true.”  At a philosophical level this is easy enough to debunk—1+1 is always 2 (despite what children first think) and the earth is a sphere (contrary to what all of humanity believed for centuries).  There are facts and falsities in our world no matter what individuals or groups believe.
            It can be more difficult to see this philosophy when it comes to moral issues.  This is not to say the principles of reasoning change, but that our passions and emotions cloud our thinking.  On the one hand, God has consistently showed us in the scriptures and salvation history that sexual intimacy is to be reserved for marriage between a man and a woman.  On the other hand, most of us have a friend or relative, son or daughter has same sex attractions and we want what is best for them.  What gives?
            First, we love.  We support and encourage our friend, child or relative and act as Christ to them.  We remember that each of us carries a cross (we priests carry the cross of celibacy, you married couples carry the cross of fidelity) and we journey together on the path to God.
            Second, we make decisions based on what comes from above.  Kids eat their broccoli because their parents tell them to.  Basketball players stay inbounds because Mr. Naismith set up the game with boundaries.  Christians grow in virtue when their lives conform to living in union with God.
            God has given us a plan for marriage between one man and one woman.  It is a path towards human happiness and virtue that accounts for the physical and spiritual well-being of men, women and children.  Are there other plans for “marriage” in our society?  Certainly.  Infidelity, fornication, divorce, polygamy, “free love” and yes, same sex unions (each of which include freely consenting adults). 
            Rather than changing our law, we should be focused on introducing people to Jesus Christ.  Mom doesn’t feed Jimmy ice cream all day because he won’t eat his broccoli.  Mr. Naismith didn’t eliminate sidelines because players kept throwing the basketball out of bounds.  We shouldn’t accept the breakdown of marriage and family in our society either but turn to the One who makes all things new.
            We are one nation, under God.  It is time to stop making up our laws as our personal and societal opinions ebb and flow.  It is time to trust once more that God has our best interests in mind, even if this has a personal cost at the present.

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