Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Mass Homily: Wednesday of Holy Week

           We are in the middle of the most important week of the year: Holy Week.  It is the week in which we reflect on the central mysteries of our faith and lives.
            Holy Week culminates with the Sacred Triduum—or three days.  On Holy Thursday we celebrate the Last Supper and first Eucharist, as well as the institution of the priesthood.  Jesus promised us that he would be with us until the end of time, and these two great gifts are two ways he fulfills these promises.  On Good Friday we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus in his passion and on the cross.  During the Easter Vigil we rejoice in his resurrection from the dead.
            This morning we hear again that Judas betrayed Jesus.  After so many times reading or hearing the story of Jesus’ passion, I often think—“Judas, how can you be so dumb?!  This isn’t just a friend—it is God!”  Once more I must remind myself that my sins betray Jesus in a similar way Judas handed him over.  Our sin always involves such a choice, and while we may not receive money for turning Jesus over we may betray him for fleeting pleasure, gossip, notoriety or pride.
            Please come to our Triduum liturgies this weekend.  These celebrations are the fundamental answer to our sinfulness—our betraying of Jesus.

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