Monday, February 26, 2018

The End of the Journey from our Earthen Life into Transfiguration (2-20-18)

Here was the first talk I offered to a group of parishioners.  During this Lent, I will be speaking about some different thoughts and conversations.  I hope you enjoy these notes below, and the recorded talk here.


Talk and Conversation
“The End of the Journey from our Earthen Life into Transfiguration”

1.)   Prayer
2.)   Our ordinary sacraments and God’s extraordinary ways
·      Baptism
                       o   Anyone could Baptize someone in an emergency situation
                       o   Water and the words “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
                       o   Nurses, Jewish, Muslim
                       o   If they do what the dying person believes
·      Confession
                       o   Priest
                       o   “General Absolution”
·      Extreme situations: danger of death threatens, not enough priests
·      Example: Airplane crashing
·      Eucharist
                       o   Bishop or Priest (with faculties) for
                       o   Traditionally only Bishop, Priest or Deacon could offer communion
·      Today Eucharistic of Ministry—laity
·      Confirmation
                       o   Bishop or Priest
·      Marriage
                       o   Bishop, Priest or Deacon
·      Ordination
                       o   Bishop
·      Anointing of the Sick
                       o   Bishop or Priest
3.)   Path towards the end of our earthly time
·      “Best Situation”
                       o   Anointing of the Sick
                       o   Confession
                       o   Eucharist
                       o   We used to call this sacrament “Extreme Unction” or “Last Rites”
·      Many people call the priest when they are almost dying
·      But today we say, “Anointing of the Sick”
o   Interesting spectrum we learned in seminary
o   One extreme is when we do not need Anointing of the Sick if we are healthy…or if we have a could
o   On the other extreme, we cannot offer this sacrament if someone has already die
o   Some where in the middle
                                                                                                           Elderly that are sick
                                                                                                           Big surgeries
·      Dying
                       o   Anointing of the Sick
                       o   Apostolic Pardon
                       o   Eucharist: Viaticum
·      Prayers
·      Tell your children, your family and your Pastor
4.)   Funerals
·      Challenges in our culture
                       o   Wrong order
·      I have had several parishioners that did not receive a Funeral Mass
·      Why?  Their family had a different decision
                       o   Cremation Society
·      Money
·      Quick fix
o   People scared of death and when someone else dies, they go make it as fast as possible
                       o   Funeral Homes
                       o   Other buildings
                       o   Or nothing
·      Best situation:
                       o   Please, have a will. 
·      Have your information for several people in your family, with your doctor, with your “Guardianship” or other names for health, finances, etc.
·      Prepare your funeral when you can make your decisions
·      You, your kids, your will or your parish can record this information
                       o   Preparation with the parish: Pastor, Deacon, Suitable laity
                       o   Tradition
·      Vigil the evening before
o   Visitors
o   Prayer
o   Rosary
o   (I just heard about Fr. William Baer’s with Adoration all night…I would like that!)
·      Funeral with a Mass
·      Coffin, not an urn
o   Holdingford
o   Where will people know where your corpse is?
o   The Church has said that a cremation is ?
·      No eulogy is in our rite
·      Burial right after the Mass
o   Where will your body be buried?
                                                                                                           Put that in your will!
o   (I know that I want to be buried in the Calvary Cemetery in Duluth, in the “Circle of Priests”)
·      Lunch after
·      Last important decisions
                       o   Please call the Pastor first—put that in your will, and your family
·      Talk to the Pastor about the date (several times I have been the last person to know what the date “is”—as I might be out of town
·      In IFalls, do the best to talk with Leif
                       o   Order for a funeral
·      Funeral service: Bishop, Pastor, Assistant Priest, Deacon (as they can lead a funeral service), and, if needed in an emergency situation, a laity member
                       o   Music
·      Worship hymns in the Church—that’s where Jesus lives, not in a concert auditorium
·      Even there, don’t have a concert, but worshiping hymns
5.)   Questions and discussion
·      Next week?

6.)   Closing Prayer 

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