Thursday, May 7, 2015

No matter what, JOY: Daily Mass Homily--Thursday, May 7th, 2015

(Listen to this homily here).

I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete.” 
One of the greatest gifts from Pope Francis is his focus on joy.  I love it!  And it makes sense…if Jesus has won the battle, why shouldn’t we be joyful?  Jesus wants to give us joy—joy that is full!
I have preached and written about joy frequently…this morning I would like to make a simple point about joy.  Joy isn’t a fake smile, fake bubbliness or pretending to be happy.
Rather, joyfulness can be present even if someone doesn’t experience pleasure.  A cancer wracked patient may witness abundant joy.  No, this person may not feel pleasure…but joy isn’t about pleasure. 
The more you are open to the virtue of joy the better you are.  The better your family is.  The better we are as a parish.
I pray that we may be joyful.  In so doing, may we as a parish be joyful!

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