Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Crowning of Mary: Daily Mass Homily--Wednesday, May 27th, 2015 (School Mass)

(Listen to this homily here).

            First, congratulations to two of our students who were baptized on Sunday!  What was your favorite part, guys?  Getting water dumped on me.  And you?  Same thing.  That is the best part, because that is when the Baptism actually takes place!
            And thanks, gentlemen, for carrying up Mary and the crown.  I know you all had the chance to crown Mary at school, but I wasn’t able to come, so we’ll do a simple Marian crowning now.  [Student comes up to crown Mary].
            Here’s a question—why do we put a crown on Mary?  She is God’s Mother.  Yes, great answer!  Who else wears a crown today?  Jesus.  Well…yes, he does wear a crown—a crown of thorns.  But who today wears a crown?  What sort of people?  Kings and queens.  Right, so if Mary wears a crown, what is she?  A queen.  Yes.  But wait a second, I thought kings and queens were married to each other.  Jesus and Mary were not married.  What’s going on there?  I’ll give you this one, as it’s a tougher question.  In the Old Testament, the queen was the mother of the king!  So Jesus’ mother—Mary—is the Queen.
            Alright, now tell me what this is [I pull out my Rosary].  A Rosary.  And what are the main prayers of the Rosary?  The Hail Mary.  The Our Father.  Yep.  One of the mysteries of the Rosary—the last one, in fact—is the Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth!
            Finally, do we pray to Mary?  Yes.  Well, sort of.  We actually only pray to God.  We ask Mary to pray for us.      
            So let’s turn now to Mary and the saints and ask for their prayers as we continue Mass.       

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