Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The empty tomb: Daily Mass Homily--Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 (Third day of the Easter octave)

(Listen to this homily here).

            After this weekend, I’m pretty preached out!
            Just one simple thought this morning.  It came after I listened to Fr. Robert Barron’s Easter homily.  The idea was something I—and we—already know, but he had a great insight.
            The idea is simply the empty tomb.
            Granted, we all believe Jesus rose from the dead, and thus his body was no longer held captive in this grave.  But as Fr. Barron pointed out—we must remember that many cathedrals and basilicas that are still around today were built over the bones and relics of saints.  From ancient times, the bones of Peter were revered.  Relics of saints have always been part of our tradition.  Places of the dead are honored. 
            So why isn’t there such a place for Jesus himself?  Because he rose!  If Jesus never rose from the dead the assumption is that his grave would have been enshrined and adored by followers and pilgrims.  No such place exists, because Jesus’ remains are no longer here!
            Interestingly enough, the same is true for the Blessed Virgin Mary.
            We thank God on this, the third day of Easter, for the empty tomb.  May Christ’s resurrection transform our lives.

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