Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Cost and Cure of Sin: Good Friday

(Listen to this homily here).

            Good Friday gives us an opportunity to reflect on the cost of sin.  The cost of sin is Jesus Christ crucified.  Yet the cause of sin—humanity—became the cure.
            Sadly, many people today don’t believe in sin.  They will refer to weaknesses or mistakes rather than use this three letter word.  They say these shortcomings are a natural product of societal influence, upbringing, genetics or biology.
            The greatest evidence that sin exists—look at a newspaper.  Watch the nightly news.  I almost chuckle when someone argues against sin because it so obviously exists in our world!
            More evidence of sin—look to your own heart.  Each of us struggles with vices, bad habits—sin.  And it is our sin that cries out with the crowds, “Not this one, but Barabbas!...Crucify him!  Crucify him!”
            And then we see the cost of sin hanging on the cross.
            But lest we fall into despair, we have great hope!  It is Good Friday, because today our salvation was won.  The cause of sin becomes the cure.  Love conquered death.  If you need proof that love exists—look at the cross!
            If you need proof that love exists—look to your heart.  While we are each broken, we are each fearfully and wonderfully made out of love.  We are good—sinners, yes—but good.
            If you need proof that love exists, look to the sacraments.  Every time you come to Mass you are coming back to Calvary.  This day is celebrated at every Mass, and the graces won today are the same graces available every day here in the Eucharist.
            Additionally, consider Confession.  Confession is a time when the priest applies the victory Christ won on the cross to your soul.  God made forgiveness so easy!  So simple!  A five-minute conversation and your sins are forgiven!  Please make Confession a habit in your life.  Come regularly—monthly.  I will head into the confessional after this service, so if you still need to make your Lenten Confession, I will be here as long as needed.
            This is day two of the three holiest days of the year—the Sacred Triduum.  Today we think and pray about the reality and cost of sin, yet rejoice that the cause of sin became the cure on the cross.

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