Sunday, December 7, 2014

Teaching Mass: Parish Bulletin--12-7-14

            I pray your Advent is going well.  Have you been giving something up?  Praying for ten minutes a day?  Keep your eyes on the prize—Jesus Christ!
            Following a blessed parish mission, we have another opportunity this week to grow in our faith.  This Wednesday I will be offering a teaching Mass at 7:15pm at St. Thomas Aquinas.  Our RCIA candidates, high school and junior high students will be in attendance as part of their formation and you are all welcome to come as well!
            A teaching Mass is an opportunity to learn more deeply about our daily and Sunday liturgy.  It will feature many “behind the scenes” happenings (Mass set up, vesting, etc.), explanations of prayers, historical developments and theological insights.  As I celebrate Mass I will pause to give explanations to help make sense of our prayers, actions and movements throughout the liturgy.
Above all else, the goal of a teaching Mass is to inspire you to have a more “fully conscious, active participation” when you come to Church.  The Second Vatican Council strongly emphasized the dignity of the laity at Mass and in our world.  Grow in your understanding of this dignity, especially as it comes to your role in the liturgy, by coming Wednesday night!
God Bless!

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