Sunday, August 24, 2014

My Blog: Parish Bulletin--8-24-14

I admit I am not the most technological savvy.  While I know what things like facebook, snap-chat, instagram and tweetering are, I choose not to use them for a host of reasons (which may appear in another bulletin article.  And yes, I know it is called twitter!).  The extent of my technological skills end at email, texting and a blog.
Yep, I have a blog.  Unlike many bloggers out there, this blog is not so much to talk about myself, but to share the Word of God.  Since a young age I have had a love of the Scriptures and began reading my Bible daily in high school.  While in seminary I was blessed with the opportunity to study God’s Word in an academic setting and I received a Master’s of Theology which focused on Scripture. 
I want to be able to share insights about the greatest story ever told along the way and this is the sole reason I started my blog.  I love to teach, and my hope is to help you in your personal devotion and understanding of the Scriptures through this online tool.  Included are my daily and weekend homilies, tools to learn how to read the Bible, brief commentaries on each book of the Bible, papers and notes from seminary, bulletins and a book I wrote entitled My Vocation Story.  
If you are at least as technological savvy as I am, check it out at <>.  If technology is not your thing, or you do not even know what a blog is, talk to the nearest teenager and tell them to give you a hand!
God Bless!

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