Tuesday, November 12, 2013

God loves us. We sin. God is faithful.: Daily Mass Homily--Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

            The whole story of the Bible can be summarized into three short phrases—God loves us.  We sin.  God is faithful.
            The sacred author in Wisdom captures these three movements in salvation history: “God formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made them.”  God, out of His desire to love and have creatures love Him back, created humans.  He didn’t have to do this but did.  But by the envy of the Devil, death entered the world, and they who are in his possession experience it.”  It didn’t take long for our first parents—Adam and Eve—to sin.  They chose not to trust God and choose something outside of His will through the temptations of the serpent.  Yet God remained faithful to His creation: “But the souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them.  While sin disrupted the relationship between man and God, man and woman, and man and creation, through God’s fidelity these relationships were not utterly destroyed.
            We can see each of these movements in our own lives.  None of us chose to be born—we were created by God and by the love between our parents.  Each of us, like our first parents, sins.  Yet rather than being cast immediately into hell, God gives us many opportunities for us to seek His faithfulness by asking forgiveness, especially in Confession.
            We are called to respond to each of these facts of life—God loves us.  We sin.  God is faithful.  While His love can never be repaid, we are called to love God to the full and our neighbor as ourselves.  After we sin we come before our Lord humbly, seeking His mercy.  And we thank Him for his infinite patience and forgiveness.
            As our life ebbs and flows with these realities, we respond by gratitude, humility and perseverance.

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