Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Technological Updates: Parish Bulletin--2-1-15

           This week I would like to draw your attention to a number of ways we are improving technological opportunities at St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Columban.  First, did you know we have a new parish website?  Check it out for up to date announcements, schedules and other happenings in our parishes, diocese and universal Church at http://www.stthomasifalls.org/. 
            You will notice on this website a “Give Online” icon.  This is a new feature to our website that we are testing out.  The purpose is to have an easy way for people outside of our community to be able to make one time or recurring donations.  What we are hoping to see is new donations above and beyond what we already are receiving through your generosity.  In other words, don’t worry about switching over if you are a contributor via envelope or ACH.
            Through our website you can also check out my blog and podcast which are both updated daily with homilies, our parish Bible study and other musings.
            Finally, I wanted to share an inspiring example of how some of this technology can keep our seniors in touch with our parish.  We had a parishioner who now lives in Littlefork subscribe to my podcast.  Her grandchild helped her sign up and access it—now she only needs to press a button on her tablet to hear daily and weekly homilies!  I was pretty impressed!
            Then I thought…once a podcast is up and running, it’s simple for anyone to access as they are automatically downloaded—they just need to know how to turn on a computer, tablet or smart phone and push an icon.  If you are a senior and want to try this out but don’t know how, ask the nearest teenager or give us a call in the office!
            Here’s to 2015 starting with some upgrades in spreading the Gospel with media!
            God Bless!

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