Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Parish Bulletin Article: "Support Service!"

 Brothers and sisters, our family needs support in a few different places.  Specially, we have many people making decisions, according to their discernment and their health, as our service could always use more support.  Here is where:

At our Tabernacle Society, we need several individuals.  Many years ago, we had 8-10 different teams that took turns to clean our parish.  Many of these men and women have served for many years.  Now it is time for new generations to use your time and talent—stewardship, to continue to clean our parishes!  This not only keeps us safe during Covid-19 but also saves money for our budgets.  If you or your family would be able to serve this way, please contact me, Les Hendrickson, or Jackie Glowack.

We could also need support in our St. Thomas Aquinas cemetery.  And if you love history, this would be a place for you!  I mean, we have records for our cemetery and plots almost a century old!  As we are very blessed with a crew of parishioners that have been cutting and trimming the grass, we could also use some muscle to fix some headstones and footstones to keep our buried brothers and sisters revered.

Also, we do have a Cemetery Board, which is also needed.  Again, please call me, Les Hendrickson or Jackie Glowack.

Finally, as I want to connect to our families in our parishioners, please know that we continue to grow with students who have been registered at St. Thomas Aquinas School Saints—praise God!  Please continue to pray for all of our (home)schools, public schools, and ours that God's will may be done.  If you know anyone in your family, friends, or acquaintances who are still discerning where to send their kids to go, please pass our school's number at 283-3430.

God Bless!


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