Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Parish Bulletin Article: "Facebook as a Stepping Stone": 2-16-20

This weekend I would like to offer part of a comment I made on my FB (which means Facebook for most of those who work this platform on social media).  Like money, alcohol, possessions, FB is actually neutral but may become good or bad by how it is used.
Last week I put a controversial commercial that was not allowed during the Super Bowl, and I put my comment before this video: "Politicians could have commercials during the Super Bowl. This commercial was not allowed. And, these are real people who were survivors of abortion.  ?"  
This post allowed other people on Facebook to add comments or showing a thumbs up, and sad face emoji and angry emoji.  As I was able to read through other peoples' comments, I responded again, and this was the real point of my belief of FB and social media, whether you are on these platforms or not.  Here you go:
"When big controversial issues are coming on Facebook, I believe that you may have an opportunity, as an adult, to actually speak with another adult, in which you may disagree. 

For instance, with the commercial below, it was indeed an emotional and challenging hot button issue. With one comment back, I moved from my FB to a private message. This then led to a conversation on the phone. That conversation led to more opportunities with sharing life situations, laughter, speaking and listening of each perspective, and learning more with the others' ideas. 

FB can be done well, especially if it is a stepping stone to a deeper conversation rather than more gas on a polarized fire."

So, if you are on FB, Twitter, or what else there is out there, use them well.  Make sure you're not using them for hours and hours as that doesn't seem healthy, in my opinion.  And if you are not in this world, you are a-okay in my mind!
God Bless!

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