Monday, December 31, 2018

Christmas Octave Day #6: Holy Family for Sunday

Listen to the homily here.


The Holy Family of Jesus, Joseph and Mary
·      The best family ever on earth:
o   Jesus as the gift from THE Father
o   Joseph as a believer of God, following God’s will to protect Mary and Jesus
o   Mary as without sin and receiving pregnancy without another man
·      The best “family” in the supernatural domain: God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Over many decades our culture has chipped away families of life—which is the base, the kernel of society
·      And what have been some challenging, even sad situations within marriage  
·      First, I would ask you to pray, study, and communicate well with your spouse, as well as our brothers and sisters who have had personal and emotional challenges, to always know of God’s love and generous mercy
·      First, we believe in marriage within love between a husband and wife, as well as the openness for children
o   The bar is high!
o   Which makes sense as we are called to be saints, not just your own desire
·      If you received “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” here is one way to grow in holiness, many obstacles that have been chipping away the kernel which include:
o   Contraception
o   Abortion
o   Divorce
o   Pornography
And yes, study about these hot button issues in our country, in your marriage, in your faith, in your journey with Jesus Christ
·      Here are a few thoughts from my mind:
o   For instance, from 1970-2014 we have had 44.5 Billion abortions (CDC stats)
o   From the American Psychological Association the percentage of Divorce is 40-50%
o   I have prepared many couples for marriage, and every couple new about contraception, few were ever taught about Natural Family Planning
o   Finally, the pornography business in our country is around $97 billion dollars, which is larger than every professional sport markets
We Christians and Catholics are called to walk towards the communion of God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit
·      And please focus on that truth, the truth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary
·      And as we are not perfect, live for excellence, freedom and holy, as we are separate!

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