Sunday, February 19, 2017

Parish Bulletin Article: "Daily Mass": 2-19-17

            I will continue to encourage our brothers and sisters to grow through daily Mass. 
            Here is one answer through a powerful quote: “The Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life’”.  (This quote comes from a huge document—the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church from the Second Vatican Council.  If you would like to study this deeper, check out “Lumen gentium” paragraph #11 or through our Catechism of the Catholic Church at #1324).
            Remember St. Teresa of Calcutta—one of the most powerful woman who served the poor, the dying, the lonely and the homeless.  Her day always began with daily Mass.
            Pope Francis, the shepherd for our family, leads Mass every day.
            I believe that our parishes, our school, our diocese, the poor and the sick will grow if many more make it to both the weekend and daily Masses.
            You may ask, “How much time does the daily Mass take?”  The simple answer is 30-40 minutes.  This would be quicker than watching a television program, visit friends for breakfast, read the paper or serve our own time and talent.
            While daily Mass may be challenging for some who cannot make it, many more of our brothers and sisters could make it!  In a special way, those who are retired, parents who drop their kids to the school, those who are members through the Knights of Columbus or Catholic Daughters, volunteers in our churches (the Tabernacle, Worship Committee, Evangelization Group, Faith Formation, etc.) or community would grow through daily Mass.
            The best part of my day is both daily and weekend Masses—even on my day off.
            The Eucharist as our source and summit will only support our missions to follow Jesus Christ.

            God Bless!

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