Saturday, November 22, 2014

Jesus Christ, King of kings: Parish Bulletin--11-23-14

             This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.  This solemnity is fairly new in our Church—it was promulgated in 1925 by Pope Pius XI and found its permanent place in the calendar in 1969 by Pope Paul VI.
            The date of this feast is significant—Christ the King always takes the place of the last Sunday of Ordinary Time.  This fits in with the rhythm of the liturgical year as the readings during this time feature the reality of death and eternal life.  We end the year by being reminded that we serve the King of kings.
            The prophecies of the coming Messiah led many in Jesus’ time to expect an earthly king.  They looked for a noble and rich man who would lead the Jews to freedom from oppressors and establish a dynasty.  They were in for quite a surprise!
            Jesus was born into a poor family—his cradle was a manger.  His rule was marked by service, not domination, and his battles were against sin, evil and death.  The battlefield was not a piece of earth but the human heart.  The only throne he mounted was the cross—the place on which he gave his life for his Father’s kingdom.  His kingship turned all expectations upside down.
            Jesus desires to be our King and we are called to be his followers.  He summons us to be faithful citizens of his kingdom by being loving, merciful, compassionate, generous and bold disciples. 
            How are you doing as citizens of this kingdom?  Is Jesus the King of kings in your life?

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