Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Daily Mass Homily: Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 (St. John's School Mass)

           I hope you don't mind if I do a little show-and-tell this morning for the homily.  First, I would like to share with you a picture:

This picture hangs in my room and is from one of the best moments of my life--my first Sunday Mass as a priest.  You know how each week at our school Mass a different class takes up doing the readings, bringing up the gifts and praying the petitions?  At my first Sunday Mass my best friends read, played music and sang, brought the gifts up and helped distribute Jesus' Body and Blood.  

           Second--and you'll really enjoy this one:

Does anyone know what this is [yes, I brought this mounted beast into church]?  [Kids said: bird, duck]  Come on, I know many of you watch Duck Dynasty!  What kind of duck is this?  [Student finally said: woodduck]  Yep.  This is a male woodduck and it is the first duck I sho-, I mean captured.  I got this duck when I was hunting with my Dad.  My Dad and I love to hunt together and he gave me most of the gear I still use today.  He gave me this mount for Christmas and I keep it in my room.
             Why would I share these items with you?  [Kids answer: they are special, they are things I did with others].  What makes these items special?  [Kid answers: they are a priest's]  Well, yes.  But these are special to me because they remind me of important events from my life.
             In our first reading today the Israelites were told not to forget God.  This is one of the most frequent phrases in the Old Testament along with the call to remember God and His gifts.
            At St. John's School we have many items to help us remember God during our day.  What sorts of things am I talking about?  [Kids answer: cross, rosaries, Church]  You bet!  We also have holy water fonts in each classroom, Bibles, pictures of saints and more.  Did you know that you can have the same sorts of reminders in your own house?  Parents, please examine your home--does it help you and your children remember God during your daily lives?  And kids--don't be shy to ask your parents to give you these reminders for your birthday or to put a crucifix up!
             As one of our kindergarten students just said, going to Church helps us remember God.  In fact, coming to Mass is the greatest way to remember God and His great love for us all.  As we celebrate Mass this morning let's remember all the many other gifts He has given us and thank Him for these blessings.

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