Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Daily Mass Homily: Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

            I have a confession to make.  I am not proud of this, but I watched 75% of the Bachelor last night.  I gagged several times.  Actually, it wasn’t really my choice.  I was relaxing after a meal with a couple I am helping to prepare for marriage.  The bride-to-be asked if she could watch it, and the bride is always right, so we watched.
            Afterwards I was convicted that I spent an hour and a half watching pure junk.  Even though this wasn’t my choice, I thought of my own choices to watch TV (I am currently hooked on Castle) and playing games on my phone (I JUST discovered Angry Birds).  How much time could I spend doing more productive things?
            Now in our busy lives there are times we need to just veg out to mindless entertainment.  But how does the time we spend relaxing compare to the time we spend in prayer?  The fact is there is no better way to relax than to spend time with Jesus in quiet prayer.
            I love the image Isaiah uses to describe God’s Word.  Just like the rain and snow which comes from heaven to give nourishment and life, God’s Word has the ability to soak in our souls and produce much fruit.  Yet do we take the time to let God’s Word seep into our spirit?
            Lent is a period to take time in quiet prayer, and I encourage you to pick up the Bible to help you in this.  Now I’m not saying to completely give up hobbies or times to veg out, but challenge yourself to turn off the TV, put down the cell phone and listen to God’s Word.  Read the Scriptures.  Pray with them.  Allow your soul to be quenched with them to produce life and bear fruit.

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