Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Peacemakers: We must Receive Peace in our Hearts through Jesus Body and Blood before Peace to our Secular World: Corpus Christi

Listen to the homily here.


Corpus Christi
This past week I spoke to my family during one of our Daily Masses that continues to ring in my heart
·      The Sermon on the Mount of the Beatitudes with happiness, another way of our mission in different ways
o   And what do we need in our community, our family, our country? “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
o   Peacemakers…so crucial
And we hear about peacefulness in our readings today:
·      Responsorial Song: “He has granted peace in your borders…” as the Israelites left Egypt and was fed with Manna
·      Or, in the amazing Sequence that we do not hear them often but during excited Masses: “And his rule for guidance taking,  Bread and wine we hallow, making  Thus our sacrifice of peace.”
I bet most of us would be agree how important it is for peace, or peacemakers
·      But the reality is, peace in our secular world is way different than our discipleship from Jesus Christ
o   For instance, Jesus Christ said, Do not think that have come to bring peace upon the earth. have come to bring not peace but the sword.”
§  Now this could be a whole different homily (sword is not a physical sword)
§  But will the “world”—think, think, think, the world, not the globe, but humanity full of sinfulness, violence, wars, distruction
§  Has Jesus called true peace with God Father, Son, Holy Spirit like last weekend?
Or, what did Jesus speak in John 6 as we celebrate the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ this weekend?
·      "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood,
you do not have life within you.  Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.  For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink
·      That’s where peace is!  The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ!
·      Not about peace, but IS peace with the Trinity
·      And while peace is very important in our lives on earth, peace is greater than a physical community, but the true peace from Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life
Finally, we are not either/or, but both/and
·      We must have both peace in this world as we are of the world, and peace in our spiritual walk

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