Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Post Election Ferverino (End of Mass at CSS)

            I had the chance to live through a presidential election at St. Scholastica in 2004.  It was ugly.  There was hate and divisiveness tangible in classrooms, hallways and sports teams and there wasn’t much Christian about it. 
            It is one thing for there to be hateful division in society.  There should never be such among Catholics.  Ideas may be discussed and even rejected when wrong, but we must never judge people.  Christ died for us all, even the person across the political or amendment aisle. 
As Christians we are called to love.  Indeed, “they will know they are Christians by their love.”  We are called to love even our enemies.  No matter what happens in our election and amendments we must remember to love our neighbors as ourselves as Christ taught and did.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Fr Ben! I hope all Catholics and Christians can learn to do this.
