Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Parish Bulletin Article: "Faith Formation, Baptism and RCIA": 9-15-19

           It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty eternal God.  For you laid the foundations of the world and have arranged for the changing of the times and seasons; you have formed man in your own image and set humanity over the whole world in all its wonder, to rule in your name over all you have made and for ever praise you in your might works, through Christ our Lord” (5th Preface of Sunday in Ordinary Time).
As we are beginning a new school year, this usually reestablished three opportunities for your children, our parishioners and those seeking growth within our Catholic Church.
First is Faith Formation for your children.  At St. Thomas Aquinas, we serve faith formation, primarily led by Sabrina.  Please join your young students (Kindergarten-Fifth Grades) on Monday after school until 4:30pm.  If your students are not in our school, this is the best way you can receive more time to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
This year we will also offer some different options for your 6th grade students to Juniors.  We are seeking not only more students but also more volunteers to support your family. Our goal is to enable more relationships with our amazing volunteers to serve your kids.  More details will be coming out in the next few weeks.
At St. Columban, our students going to Littlefork will continue to have the chance to learn and grow with faith on Wednesdays.  Times will be announced soon. 
Second is baptism.  As baptism is the first sacrament, it is also welcoming the little ones or everyone else who have not walked “through the door” into our family.  If you have a child who has not been baptized yet, please let me know, and I will personally connect with you for preparation for this powerful sacrament!
The third is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  Would you like to become Catholic?  Do you want to be confirmed, or being baptized into the Catholic Church?  RCIA is the “ordinary” steps to seek the beauty of our Christian relationship with Jesus Christ.  It begins, not with an asap signature, but with some time to ask questions, find information, or have a curiosity for this process.  If you are interested in this process, please chat with a family member, friend, parishioner, Sabrina, Nic Davidson, or myself, and we would be excited to support your journey with God!
Again, this season is a perfect time in the year to seek our young brothers and sisters within Faith Formation.  Your little ones may receive baptism and those who would enjoy the process to become a Catholic.
You all are welcome, and we are excited about your journey!
God Bless!

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