Sunday, July 17, 2016

We cannot give enough hospitality: 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Listen to the homily here.


I am excited this weekend for one word: hospitality
·      In a Catholic Dictionary ( says:
·      “The virtue [of hospitality is] of kindness and generosity toward guests.  It is characterized by the spirit of welcome to visitors and strangers, and is one of the conditions for salvation, foretold by Christ: ‘I was a stranger and you made me welcome’”
o   Kindness, generosity, welcome
Our readings today teach us hospitality in the Bible
·      In Genesis, Abraham gave hospitality to three men (or angels!)
o   Abraham said, “Sir, if I may ask you this favor, please do not go on past your servant.  Let some water be brought, that you may bathe your feet, and then rest yourselves under the tree.”
o   His family made bread, meat, curds and milk
o   They ate under this tree
o   That is hospitality
·      In Luke, Mary and Martha gave hospitality to Jesus
o   Service and presence
o   I’ll see this at the end
Today I would like to share the hospitality in our family and “thank you” to you
·      I was brand new to our parishes two years ago
o   I was a stranger and you gave me a house, food, drinking, visiting in your homes for dinners
o   Thank you
·      The last two years your hospitality and welcoming to people from Africa:
o   Fr. Francis, Fr. Charles, Fr. Albert, Fr. Solomon, Fr. Peter
§  You also gave gifts to their parishes back home
§  Thank you
·      You have assisted those who are homeless, strangers or poor in our area
o   Hotel rooms, apartment, food
o   Thank you
·      You offered hospitality to two seminarians: now Dcn. Beau Braun and now Kevin Ryan
o   Thank you
·      The last couple of weeks you offered hospitality to our outside Mass and picnic
o   Thank you
·      Last week you welcomed and offered generosity to the Totus Tuus teachers
o   Thank you
·      On and on and on
·      Thank you…thank you…thank you!
You can always grow in hospitality…like love you can always get better
·      1.)  Presence beats stuff
o   Back to Martha and Mary
§  Jesus said to Martha, “anxious and worried about many things”
o   As a priest, the welcome, hospitality and kindness is huge
§  Many would say, “I must clean my house”
§  Just know that presence always beats stuff, or what it looks like
o   For hospitality, give presence vs. stuff or appearance
·      2.)  For visitors in our parishes
o   Use kindness to say “Hello” to visitors, open the door and welcome them, invite them to sit by you and your family
§  That is hospitality!
o   Your hospitality will continue to grow our family both here and around the world
·      3.)  We have poverty in our own community
o   Yes, we have given thousands of dollars to support people here and around the world
o   How can you offer hospitality for the poor here
o   A great opportunity is helping our Community Café
o   Or what can you help for those that you know is poor? 
§  Presence could be challenging, but you can give a lot to visit them!
§  You can also offer kindness and generosity
§  You could make their day or save their life
Hospitality is awesome
·      Thank you again for your hospitality for many, many people
·      And continue to grow in hospitality
·      Whoever needs hospitality, look to them as you could see Jesus Christ

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