Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy 4th of July!: Parish Bulletin--7-5-15

            I want to wish you all a very happy Independence Day and 4th of July weekend.  Welcome home to many of our family members, friends, neighbors and visitors!  I pray you have a safe and relaxing time in God’s country.
            In a special way I want to say thank you to all of the men and women who have served and continue to serve in our armed forces.  The sacrifices you make continue the mission of our founding fathers—to live in a free country where we all have the inherent rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Countless men and women—members of our families, neighborhoods and communities—have paid the ultimate price in order for us to live in such a great country.  Let’s not forget what this holiday weekend is all about.  Thank a soldier this weekend, pray for those who have given their lives and who continue to grieve the loss of a loved one in combat.
            Also, please pray that we may always enjoy religious freedom in our country.  Freedom of religion—explicitly within Christianity—was a key reason for the establishment of our country.  Today, more than ever before, our Christian/Catholic faith and morals are attacked by secular society.  May we always have the grace, wisdom and strength to be guided by Christ and His Church—even in our government and legal system.  After all, if the Good News of Jesus Christ isn’t leading the way in the United States of America what (or who) is?
            Have a safe, fun and happy 4th of July weekend!
            God Bless!

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