Monday, October 8, 2012

Daily Mass Homily: Monday, October 8th, 2012

            During my time at seminary my spiritual director and I worked on being too busy.  I’m the kind of guy that has too many irons in the fire and he used to tell me, “Ben, we are human beings, not human doings.”
            Today we hear of a young scholar who wants to learn what to do to achieve salvation and justification.  Jesus, through the parable of the Good Samaritan, shows it’s not about doing but about loving. 
            The young scholar, priest and Levite all wanted to do things to earn a reward.  The priest and Levite, following the holiness code and avoiding the injured and bleeding man, did avoid him in the pursuit of holiness.  Yet they all missed the point—the point isn’t what we do but how much we love.
            Today we pray that we may not be human doers, but human lovers.  And it is precisely through loving God and neighbor that we discover the path to salvation and justification because God is love.

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